On Friday 26th February the MOJ published their long awaited update to the Civil Procedure Rules (CPR), in respect of the whiplash reforms launch. The creation of the new 88 page pre action protocol, amendments to the existing protocols and new practice directions are looking to accommodate the changes brought in by the Civil Liability Act. In this session Gallagher Bassett will focus on digesting the key points within the rules, explaining how they will be interpreted, and outlining the trends and behaviours that can be expected post 31st May.
Learning Objectives
By the end of the session, delegates will be able to:
- Understand key points of the new rules and new portal through which the claims will be administered
- Be aware of the challenges that may be presented for claims teams, and should be prepared for, when the whiplash reforms come into play
- Recognise the expected trends and behaviours, arising from the new rules, that may impact motor MGAs
About the speakers
Charlotte Harrison – Senior Business Development Manager
Charlotte has over 12 years of experience in the insurance industry and joined Gallagher Bassett in 2009. She has progressed through various client relationship management roles and was appointed UK Client Services Manager in 2016. In her current role as Senior Business Development Manager Charlotte leads the MGA strategy and manages her own portfolio of larger corporate and MGA clients. She is an active member of the MGAA Next Gen committee, representing the voice and interests of the next generation with the insurance community.
Andy Sewell – UK Technical Director
Andy has been with Gallagher Bassett for 12 years, joining as the Claims Controller in our Swindon branch where he handled a profile of large and complex claims, from there he has moved from the role of UK Technical Manager to UK Technical Director. Andy is responsible for ensuring the review of technical competency across all lines of business, horizon scanning and developing strategy for the changing claims environment as well as looking after GB’s strategic partnerships.