Market Practitioner

Providing protection to individuals and organisations across the UK and beyond, our market practitioner members are assisted by MGAs to bring compelling solutions to a highly competitive market.

To become a Market Practitioner member, you must be an insurer or broker who provides capacity or business to MGAs.

All of our members must align to the MGAA Code of Conduct as part of becoming a member.


1. Code of Practice

Access to a strong, growing network of selected and established MGAs who follow an industry recognised code of practice. All MGA members work through a submission process before joining so you can be confident they are great companies to work with.

2. Large Potential Client Base

Opportunity to offer new products, preferential rates and bespoke schemes to our members who are eager and motivated to work with the right capacity providers.

3. Networking

Access to the largest MGA networking platform in the UK and Republic of Ireland; with regular events that bring MGAs, suppliers and insurers together in a highly collaborative environment. Therefore if you are looking to grow your Delegated Authority business, this is a great platform to engage with.

4. MGAA Brand Association

Access to the MGAA logo to signify a badge of excellence, where the integrity and value of the profession is promoted and maintained. All members are required to operate to the highest standards to ensure the reputation of the market is held in the highest regard.

5. Trusted Partner

Opportunity to demonstrate your expertise in a chosen area in front of our members. Host an online webinar, face to face market briefing or educational seminar to promote your specialist knowledge and proposition to our membership.

6. Market Research

Preferential access to market research specific to addressing long term needs of MGAs. Periodical studies of the UK and Republic of Ireland MGA market undertaken by the MGAA offers valuable insights on the Delegated Authority sector as a whole.

7. Training & Education

Access to industry leading training and education, with a preferred licence fee rate for members, via our MGA assess platform. Drawing from Subject Matter Experts and experienced professionals, you can develop the knowledge and skills of all your employees.

8. Exclusive Offers and Discounts

Access to preferential offers and discounted products and services, selected and negotiated by us on your behalf.   

Market Practitioner

Membership Fees :

One-off joining fee - £1,000

+ £3000 per annum

One-off joining fee - €1,000

+ €3000 per annum

Ready to join the MGAA?Look no further...

We have developed a choice of membership options aimed at creating a collaborative network of MGAs, market practitioners and suppliers.

Sign up to become a member here.

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